How can we help?
Our major service areas are described below. Often all three of these services are combined in a single project, such as a regional open space or conservation plan. Please explore the case studies below for examples, and reach out with any questions you my have.

Strategic Planning
We provide strategic planning services for nonprofits, foundations, and public agencies. We specialize in working with organizations focused on conservation, parks, and community health to engage partners, assess opportunities, build partnerships, and create effective data-driven plans. Often this work includes collaboration to develop maps, web-based tools, infographics, and other ways to visualize and analyze critical data.
Equity-Driven Engagement
We design and lead community engagement that reduces barriers to participation by marginalized and underrepresented community members. We foster collaboration by designing and leading innovative, fun, and meaningful approaches to gather in-depth data on community perspectives and priorities. We also design and analyze surveys, lead focus groups and workshops, and provide specialized meeting facilitation services to help build consensus among diverse partners.
Action-Oriented Research
Our team specializes in interdisciplinary applied research that translates scientific data for policymakers and the public to create shared priorities and improve decision-making. We have deep expertise in conservation and the intersection of health, equity, and climate change. Our approaches range from reviewing and interpreting academic research to gathering case studies through interviews.
Case Studies
Click on any of the projects below to see how Land & Water Connections facilitated these efforts, read final reports, and hear directly from our partners.